By: Reid Mene
Currently Facebook is the most popular social network site in the country. It attracts participants of all ages, races, creeds and genders. It is viewed as a way for people to communicate with one another while expressing themselves with the technologies we are privileged to have today. These days people are not holding back from posting anything about themselves, tagging each other in inappropriate pictures without thinking twice about it. With so much information available and posted on Facebook a random person is able to acquire knowledge and sensitive information about anyone they choose from their Face book sites.
With all this information on Facebook and with its mass popularity in our country individuals are asking society to take Facebook material less seriously. Facebook began as a social network for college students. It was intended for peers of their own age and from the same generation to be able to connect with one another on the Internet. Now that Facebook is becoming so popular people are starting to take the information posted too serious. Today if a random person requests someone and they seem to have the “look” or are attractive the person will accept the friend request. Although if their Facebook profile seems lame or dorky and they don’t have a cool profile picture they will not usually be accepted. People are letting these random people into their personal lives and allowing them to view their pictures and learn more intimate information about them. In other words private and personal information is permitted to be viewed by individuals who do not know each other.
A large subset of people on Facebook are younger people and kids who don't always take the information they post seriously.Therefore they expect the reader to know that the information they are posting is a joke and not necessarily true. People who look at their Facebook today will most likely think all the postings that are listed on their Facebook represent true information when in fact it might not reflect accurate information about that person. If the two people do not know each other very well then they are going to take all the information into consideration and judge that person on false information. This issue also arises with famous people where their fans make Facebooks for them. People might err in thinking that these are their actual Facebooks and comment on their wall, status, photos etc. thinking its actually them. This just makes the Face book star seem foolish and their actions disappointing and results in the fans thinking less of them and having a negative view towards someone they previously thought very highly of.
Today people have to be more and more concerned about what they put on their Facebook for fear of future employers seeing it or colleges using the information when evaluating a high school student for college admittance. Those who choose to use Facebook must realize the consequences of their actions when posting information . The information posted will be reflective of the individual for better or worse. Everyone knows what Facebook is . These days if anyone wishes to know about someone they can check their Facebook. Facebook began as a fun way to interact with one another. Now it is viewed as a personal biography of that person and everything that is on their Facebook directly represents them.
Facebook today is the biggest form of false advertising I believe. I have gown to know you can't judge who someone is off their Facebook information. Facebook can be by individuals to recreate themselves in a more negative or positive light. Facebook should be used with caution as its users all have different motives for accessing the information. What was once thought to be a "fun" form of communication is now a more serious medium of communication and must be taken more seriously.
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